Anxiety disorders treatment | When will my mental storm calm down?

Anxiety disorder

Did you ever suffer sleepless nights where you could almost hear your heart beating from an anxiety disorder?

Did you ever relive the events of a tragic accident every day?

How long will these obsessive thoughts keep haunting you?

In this article, we’ll talk about the symptoms of anxiety disorders, their causes, and how to treat them.


Anxiety definition

We all feel anxious from time to time, like when going to a job interview, before school exams, or when making an important decision.

Adrenaline rushes when we sense danger, which leads to anxiety reactions in what is known as the fight-or-flight response.

Anxiety is a natural emotion that occurs in response to stress or in anticipation of future danger to maintain safety.

Occasional anxiety is acceptable, but excessive levels can be distressing.

The problem emerges when an individual experiences extreme anxiety to the point that he fears coping with family issues or social circumstances.


What are anxiety disorders?

These disorders occur when anxiety persists for more than six months and to the degree that affects daily activities.

Because it is a mental health problem, anxiety disorders involve recurring episodes of anxiety and fear.

Women are more likely than men to develop an anxiety disorder, according to the American Psychiatric Association.


Symptoms of anxiety disorders

Symptoms vary from person to person and according to the type of disorder. 

Common symptoms of anxiety include:


Symptoms of anxiety disorders in children

One in eight children suffers from anxiety, but the bright side is that they usually learn to manage their feelings from their parents, friends, and caregivers.

But when anxiety becomes chronic and persistent, the following symptoms appear:


Types of anxiety disorders

There are several types of anxiety disorders, such as;


Generalized Anxiety Disorders

A person feels intense anxiety or stress, with or without reason.

Panic disorder

It is the feeling of sudden and intense fear that leads to a panic attack.

A person with anxiety and panic disorder has recurring and unexpected attacks, possibly involving negative feelings of impending doom.

Social Anxiety Disorder

It typically occurs during everyday social situations, when a person is very concerned about what others think of him or fears ridicule and embarrassment.

Specific Phobias

It occurs due to intense fear of a specific object or situation, such as heights or flying.

Fear goes beyond what is appropriate for the event.

Hence, this causes a person to avoid ordinary situations.


It is the fear of being in a place from which it may be difficult to escape or get help in an emergency.

A person may panic when riding public transportation or when in open spaces.

Separation Anxiety

Not only do young children have this feeling when a loved one leaves them, but anyone can develop separation anxiety.

For example, the person may feel constantly anxious, fearing something terrible will happen to the one he loves.

Selective mutism

Selective muteness is a form of social anxiety, in which young children do not talk normally with their families in public places such as school, although they do not have any speech problems.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder

It is the repetition of irrational thoughts that leads a person to repeat specific behaviors.

Medication-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Using some illegal drugs or drug withdrawal symptoms may also cause some manifestations of an anxiety disorder.


Causes of mental anxiety disorders

The exact cause of anxiety is not known, but several factors may play a role, including the following;


Risk factors for anxiety disorder

Some risk factors can be controlled, while others cannot, including:


Anxiety disorder diagnosis

First, the doctor will ask about the patient’s medical history and perform several tests to rule out other health conditions.

Your doctor considers how long and severe your symptoms have been, but an anxiety disorder can’t be diagnosed using lab tests.

So the person should tell the doctor about everything he is experiencing.

The diagnosis depends on the description of those symptoms.

Also, an important criterion that contributes to correct diagnosis is the appearance of six of the above-mentioned symptoms and their persistence for more than six months.


Anxiety disorder treatment

There are many treatments used to reduce anxiety symptoms, but you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before taking any nonprescription or herbal remedies.

Treatments include:

Anti-anxiety drugs

Medications do not treat anxiety, but they do improve symptoms, such as:


The caregiver prescribes these medications, and as the condition improves, gradually reduces them, including:

Other antidepressants

These include tricyclic substances and monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), but they are less common due to their potentially troublesome side effects, including:


They are used as adjuncts to anxiety disorder treatment and should not be taken for a long time, such as Alprazolam.


They are used to improve some symptoms, such as an increased heartbeat, or they may help you calm during an acute anxiety attack.


They are used to prevent seizures in epileptic patients and as a general anxiety treatment.


A low dose may be added since it helps improve the efficiency of other medicines.


Its effect appears after several weeks of consumption.


Psychotherapy enables patients to see how their emotions affect their behavior and is sometimes called “talk therapy.”

The caregiver helps the person better understand the disorder and then manage it better.


Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

It is the most common type of psychotherapy.

It is based on learning the thought patterns and behaviors that cause disturbing emotions and how to change them.

Treatment focuses on dealing with the underlying fears of the anxiety disorder and encourages participation in various activities.


Managing symptoms of anxiety disorders

These tips help reduce symptoms, including:


Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety Disorders

The relationship between IBS and anxiety is due to the nervous system’s partial control of the colon.

About 50% to 90% of IBS patients suffer from anxiety and depression disorders.

Anxiety and depression disorders

Anxiety may be a symptom of major depression and vice versa. 

Treatment for both conditions is associated with many treatments, such as psychotherapy, medications, and lifestyle changes.


Do certain foods treat anxiety disorders?

Some research suggests that certain foods may have a beneficial effect on mental health, such as:


Finally, it may be hard to live with constant anxiety and fear, but talking to a specialist is the first step towards effective treatment.


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