First aid for children | Save your child’s life!

First aid for children

To every mother, child caregiver, teacher, every mother-to-be, or trying to conceive, first aid is the most important thing to know in order to deal with children.

Children always seek discovery, approaching electrical wires thinking it is (Disneyland)!

Therefore, knowing first aid may save a child’s life and prevent any complications.

Let’s review together different situations and how to perform first aid.


First aid for children with fever

Mothers go through this often; Particularly with children at a young age, due to infection, especially during the teething period. 


Here are the most important things you can do:


Get help immediately

Get immediate assistance if the child is;


First aid for children when they choke

A child may suffocate by swallowing an object that has blocked the airway, such as a toy.

Additionally, a child can also suffocate due to vomiting as a result of GERD. 

We can address this topic according to the age of the child.

If the child is less than a year old

If the child is less than a year old, the first aid for infants is as follows:



If the object that caused choking has come out but the child still can’t breathe, you need to perform CPR.


If the child is over a year old

For children over one-year-old, we do the following:


First aid for children when drinking chlorine

Many of us ask about first aid for children when they drink chlorine, in swimming pool water.

However, most problems occur upon drinking chlorine used as a detergent for house cleaning. 

Here are some of the most important things you can do:


First aid for children in the event of a fall

Many children fall, either because of their excessive movement or due to exploring their surroundings.

Therefore, we recommend that you know the following first aid tips:


This first-aid technique is considered one of the most important for infants due to their sudden new movements, lack of balance, and love of exploration.

If the child suffered a severe injury to the head, neck, back, or thigh bones, avoid moving him and call 911.


First aid for children with burns

Children can be at risk of burns from spilling a hot drink or something else, so here’s what to do:

First aid for children when electrocuted

Make sure you are safe and cut off electricity before you start helping.

You can use an electrical insulator to separate the child from the electrical current, such as any wood or plastic tool to isolate electricity.

 Then follow the following precautions:


First aid for children when experiencing convulsions

There are several types of convulsions. 

Children may convulse due to a fever, low blood sugar or an electric shock, etc. 

Here are the most important things you can do:


Prevention is better than cure.

Always keep your children safe and ensure that those who look after them are qualified:

Here are some ideas:


In conclusion, our children are our responsibility, and their safety is our primary objective. 

To qualify for this, we need to learn first aid techniques. 

We also have to spread awareness among our acquaintances and every person we trust with our children.

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