
Otrivin nasal spray | uses, dosage, and side effects

Otrivin nasal spray | uses, dosage, and side effects

Otrivin nasal spray has many uses as it relieves nasal congestion caused by sinusitis in various colds. Stay tuned for more information on the uses, contraindications, and dosage of Otrivin nasal spray in this article.   Otrivin nasal spray active ingredient Xylometazoline Hydrochloride 0.1%.   Pharmacological form It is a nasal spray containing a clear, colorless aqueous solution.   Drug…
Ketolac | uses and adverse effects

Ketolac | uses and adverse effects

Ketolac is a well-known powerful pain killer, especially after undergoing surgeries.  Are there any other uses for it? And how risky could using Ketolac without a prescription be? Here’s what you need to know about Ketolac, including its uses, side effects, and some precautions to take before using it.   What is Ketolac? It is a non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug.  The…
Visceralgine | Colic treatment for children and adults

Visceralgine | Colic treatment for children and adults

Who amongst us has not had abdominal discomfort or a relative with irritable colon, or a child suffering from colics and thus had to use the drug Visceralgine? If you want to relieve these pains and colics, you should use this medication! Join us to learn about Visceralgine, its composition, applications, and everything else you need to know about this…
Omega-3 Plus | More than just capsules

Omega-3 Plus | More than just capsules

Omega-3 Plus is one of the most famous supplements with considerable benefits because it contains fatty acids necessary for the human body.    You can get it from various foods or supplements.   In the following article, we talk about the most common omega-3 benefits, so stay tuned.   What are Omega-3 Plus fatty acids? Omega-3 Plus fatty acids are…
Lumigan drops | The magical secret for long lashes

Lumigan drops | The magical secret for long lashes

You may have heard lately about women using Lumigan drops because they want to have longer, prettier lashes! What is the secret of this new trend? And will these drops really make your eyelashes longer and brighter? Join me to learn the secrets of Lumigan drops and whether or not it is safe to use it for beauty purposes?  …
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