Public Health

Dry eye syndrome | Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Dry eye syndrome | Causes, symptoms, and treatment

Dry eye syndrome can be pretty uncomfortable. It can even cause blurry vision and make driving at night difficult. So if you’re addicted to video games, surfing the web, or watching TV, stay tuned for more information on the causes and treatment of this syndrome. Dry eyes cause Dry eye syndrome is a common condition where tears can’t provide adequate…
Keto diet | Effective results to weight loss

Keto diet | Effective results to weight loss

The keto diet is the popular new trend now in weight loss. Who hasn’t dreamed of ideal weight?  And who hasn’t tried many different diets to achieve that goal? Although the keto diet proved to be effective in weight control, it still remains a bit vague for some. So here’s your complete guide to the keto diet.   Obesity is…
Milk Thistle Herb |Uses and benefits

Milk Thistle Herb |Uses and benefits

Milk Thistle is a flowery herb native of the Mediterranean area and belongs to the Asteraceae family of herbs. Previously, Milk Thistle was used as a natural remedy for liver and gallbladder diseases, among other things. So let’s learn everything there is to know about Milk Thistle Herb and its benefits in this article.   What is Milk Thistle Herb?…
Types of anemia | Causes, treatment, and prevention

Types of anemia | Causes, treatment, and prevention

There are many types of anemia, and it has become recently the most common blood disease worldwide. Perhaps the widespread availability of fast food and malnutrition are major culprits. Let’s take a look at some of the different types of anemia, their symptoms, and treatment options.   What is Anemia? It is a pathological condition that occurs when; the total…
Thyroid hormones: Everything You Need to Know

Thyroid hormones: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that thyroid hormones regulate the amount of energy your body produces through metabolism? So, how does this occur, what happens if these hormones are unbalanced, and what controls them within the body? Let’s take a tour through the lines of this article to answer all of these questions and more. But first, how about learning more about…
Vitamin C| Countless benefits for immunity and skin

Vitamin C| Countless benefits for immunity and skin

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) is extensively used in the treatment of common colds and flu, particularly during the Corona epidemic. It is readily found in every home.  It is used as prophylaxis against colds and for stimulating the immune system. Vitamin C is included in the Coronavirus disease treatment protocol (COVID-19). However, these advantages barely scrape the surface of its…
Intestinal Worms| Types, and treatment

Intestinal Worms| Types, and treatment

Intestinal worms or parasitic worms are primitive living organisms that feed off the human body.  Many people are familiar with the common types of worms, such as tapeworms and hookworms.  However, they may be less aware of the other types. Intestinal worms can cause many symptoms in the body, some of which are similar to the symptoms of gut disorders.…
First aid for children | Save your child’s life!

First aid for children | Save your child’s life!

To every mother, child caregiver, teacher, every mother-to-be, or trying to conceive, first aid is the most important thing to know in order to deal with children. Children always seek discovery, approaching electrical wires thinking it is (Disneyland)! Therefore, knowing first aid may save a child’s life and prevent any complications. Let’s review together different situations and how to perform…
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